Friday, October 21, 2016

Christmas Lights in October. Either Very Proactive or Very Lazy....

I noted Christmas lights on a neighbor's home and thought, "Wow, they are either very proactive or very lazy." I like to see the good in people so I went with very proactive, but my gut tells me that's not the correct assessment. It's easy to identify with them, we all know that when the lights go up it's a bit exciting. The holidays are coming which means we can feast and celebrate even if we don't believe in the icons associated with the holiday.
But either way, it's fun to get into the spirit and the lights are an indication of better things to come. And then the holidays get started; parties, too much food, over-ambitious spending, hours of hearing your drunk uncles moan about the "liberals" and so on and so forth. By the time presents are open, I know I am surveying the lay of the land in order to set forth the action plan to return to a life of normalcy. But for some the holiday times are just so much effort that when it comes to taking down the lights it just seems so much work and they become distracted by the thought of a new project....New Years Eve Party! And although they have the best intentions, the excitement surrounding a new project over shadows closing out the last one. So what is my point?
Great question and one I ask myself often. The point is projects have a beginning, a middle and an end. The closing out of a project carries just as much importance as starting one so plan ahead for the tasks that you will need to accomplish to close out the project. This may include assessments, developing policies and procedures or just cleaning up a work area. So to all my fellow Google your plans and always remember to "take down your lights".
Keep Growing! Aaron

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Week in Weed Update

Hello world of weed.  If you missed the news this week in the realm of cannabis, it was filled with ups and downs and a couple silver linings.  Here’s your briefing and what you need to know from this week.
DEA Just Said “No”
The DEA reaffirmed their stance that cannabis is dangerous and has no medicinal value.   That means that cannabis will remain as a Schedule I drug and is not legal by Fed standards. The decision was based upon there not being the science to back the move from a Schedule I to II or III, which is the wishes of cannabis normalization advocacy groups.  There was a silver lining to this news though.  The federal government did loosen the policies on research for medical cannabis.  That means more research centers will be available to conduct the research that the FDA and DEA require to reschedule cannabis to a more fitting classification.
AZ Just Said “Maybe”
Prop. 205 looks to be on the Arizona ballot this upcoming November.  That would make the use and sale by licensed dispensaries legal to adults 21+.  To boot, residents can grow six plants of their own for their personal use.  The only hurdle is a group is asking a Maricopa County Superior Court judge to throw out the initiative citing that legalization backers of the initiative are deceiving voters.  That case will be heard Friday, August 12, 2016.  That case looks rough so odds are AZ voters will be voting whether to allow recreational marijuana this November.
New Gallup Polls Shows Marijuana Use is Up
Gallup poll released on August 8th shows that 13% of American adults now say they smoke marijuana.  That is an increase from 7% in 2013.  Why such a big increase?  Experts cite that the removal of the stigma attached to using marijuana may be the reason.  As legalization and normalization spreads, so does people’s awareness of the positive attributes of marijuana and that they can be more open in saying they use on a regular basis.  The poll goes on to cite that 43% of Americans say they have tried it and the use and experimentation differ by religion and age.
NYC Continues to Prosecute Marijuana Users
There’s no question that the waves of change for marijuana are spreading from West coast to the East and this is an illustration.  Despite promises of changes in regards to enforcement, NYC arrests for marijuana possession are up by a third this year.  What is always startling although studies show whites, Hispanics, and blacks marijuana use is the relatively the same, only 9% of those arrests were of white people.  This looks like another slap in the face for a push for equitable treatment by police and to make possession of marijuana the equivalent of a traffic ticket.
Clinton to Reschedule Marijuana if Elected
In an announcement by her campaign August 11th, Hillary Clinton plans to reschedule marijuana if she is elected in this upcoming election.  “Marijuana is already being used for medical purposes in states across the country, and it has the potential for even further medical use,” Maya Harris, a senior policy advisor to Clinton’s campaign, said in a statement, reported by The Denver Post. “As Hillary Clinton has said throughout this campaign, we should make it easier to study marijuana so that we can better understand its potential benefits, as well as its side effects.”
Another reason to rock the vote this upcoming November.
This has been your update in the world of weed.  Thank you and stay safe.
By Zachary Mercier
Zachary Mercier is a regular host on the Disjointed program which airs every Saturday at 9am PST on U.S. Weed Channel’s USWC.Rocks online radio network.  Zachary can be found on Twitter @CTAdvocate

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Where Will Pot Be Legal Next? Recreational Marijuana On The Ballot In 5 States On Election Day 2016

Despite Americans’ statistical lack of enthusiasm for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Green Party still has little chance of getting nominee Jill Stein into the White House. But another kind of green is poised to have a big election day this year: recreational marijuana.
Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington might soon have some company in the ranks of states that have legalized recreational marijuana use. Five states — Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada — will vote on recreationally legalizing pot on ballot measures this year on election day in November. The states would determine individually what the parameters of legalization would be — California has signaled that recreational pot would be legal for adults over 21 and subject to a 15 percent sales tax.
In addition to those states, four other states — Arkansas, Florida, Montana and Missouri — will have ballot measures this year to make marijuana legal for medical use. The eight ballot measures will be the largest swath of voters weighing in on the issue of marijuana legalization in history.
“This is really a watershed year for marijuana legalization, so I’m hoping that we’ll see some big changes in November,” F. Aaron Smith, co-founder and executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, told CNN.
There is more good news for pro-legalization supporters. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson, an avid advocate of marijuana legalization, is getting a lot of attention for a third party presidential candidate thanks to Americans’ dissatisfaction with the major party nominees. Johnson is currently trying to hit the 15-percent mark in the polls to qualify for the presidential debates. Were he to hit that mark, he could champion the cause of legalization on a bigger platform than a full-fledged supporter of legalization has ever been able to do.
As for Johnson himself, the candidate says he has given up marijuana consumption — he says he likes to consume marijuana edibles — to focus on his presidential campaign and would further abstain if elected president.
“Marijuana products, from a medicinal standpoint, directly compete with legal prescription drugs that kill 100,000 people a year. There has not been one documented death due to marijuana. So [it’s] a whole lot safer and arguably as effective,” Johnson told International Business Times in June. “On the recreational side, I have always maintained that legalizing marijuana will lead to less overall substance abuse because people will find marijuana as such a safer alternative than everything else that’s out there — starting with alcohol. The campaign to legalize marijuana in Colorado was a campaign based on: Marijuana is safer than alcohol.”

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Message to Veterans: You are Not Alone

Tune In Saturday, June 11th for a look at Veteran's Health Care Policies and Opportunities with Brandon L. Wyatt Esp. from Weed for Warriors Projeect on Disjointed at Noon EST/9AM PST at USWC.Rocks or using TuneIn USWC.  For All Faces of Cannabis.
Follow the conversation on Twitter

Saturday, June 4, 2016

MMJ Business Insight Today on USWC.Rocks at 9am PST/Noon EST

Tune In Saturday, June 4th for the MMJ Business Update with Aaron Heimes on Disjointed at Noon EST/9AM PST at USWC.Rocks or using TuneIn USWC.  For All Faces of Cannabis.
Follow the conversation on Twitter

Friday, June 3, 2016

Is Gary Johnson the man or just a sweet talker...he had us at "hello".

This week the Legalization Nation Report with Ken Bazinet takes a deep dive into newly minted Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, and how the addition of mainstream rainmaker Bill Weld to his ticket ‎will lift their profile and votes. Both Johnson and Weld are both anti-prohibition advocates who promise to carry the legalization standard into the presidential race.
Tune In Saturday, June 4th for the Legalization Report Update with Ken Bazinet on Disjointed at Noon EST/9AM PST at USWC.Rocks or using TuneIn USWC.  For All Faces of Cannabis.
Follow the conversation on Twitter

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Is It Finally Time Marijuana is Rescheduled? There's a 50/50 Chance and Here's Why...

‎This week we take a look at the best chance ever for the DEA to recommend rescheduling marijuana, getting it away from classifying it along with drugs like heroin and LSD. It's at least a 50-50 chance that DEA will reschedule. DEA says it will make it's decision in the next month or so.
Tune In Saturday, May 28th for the Legalization Report Update with Ken Bazinet on Disjointed at Noon EST/9AM PST at USWC.Rocks or using TuneIn USWC.  For All Faces of Cannabis.
Follow the conversation on Twitter

Friday, May 20, 2016

See You In Health Hosted By Dr. A, Saturday at 11am USWC.Rocks

Tune In for the Debut of See You In Health, hosted by Dr. Allen Miller this Saturday right after Disjointed at 11am.  

Dr. A takes on a the challenge of trolling through the many viewpoints and approaches to the medical cannabis community to present the truths and challenges of the movement.  Tune in and join the conversation.  Salute! or via TuneIn Follow the conversation with Twitter and Facebook

PTSD and Veterans Win a Small Victory: This weeks Legalization Nation Report

PTSD and Veterans Win a Small Victory: This week the Legalization Nation Report with Ken Bazinet takes a look at a small but significant victory for veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Congress approved an amendment allowing doctors at the Veterans Administration to discuss and possibly recommend cannabis for vets with PTSD. It’s still illegal under federal law, but at least veterans can enroll in state and local programs in states where medical marijuana is legal with the blessing of VA doctors. This is a BIG DEAL!  
Tune In Saturday on Disjointed at Noon EST at USWC.Rocks 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Obama Is Starting To Do the Right Thing...

"The jailing of non-violent drug offenders and how President Obama is starting to do the right thing by commuting their harsh sentences."  by Ken Bazinet, former Washington Correspondent and Founding Partner of Collective Consulting, is the subject of this week's Legalization Nation Report this upcoming Saturday on Disjointed.  Tune in Saturday, May 7th at 9am PST/12pm EST on USWC.Rocks or download the App for IOS devices or on TuneIn. 

"For All Faces of Cannabis"
Follow the Conversation on Twitter: @USWC_Radio

Friday, March 11, 2016

#DumpTrump Tee Shirts

Trump is a character and sometimes you have to wonder what's going on in his noggin...well here's the answer.  Poo, that's what's going on up there.  Get the most accurate rendering of Trump's thought process right here and wear it every day until the Trumpster is FIRED!  And have a laugh while doing it.  Thanks and all the best!

Click This

Friday, February 12, 2016

Identifying and Defining Your Cannabis Target Audience

The cannabis marketing environment is noisy.  For marketing, advertising, messaging and merchandising it’s important to know who the audience is for the business and product(s).  While this includes the final consumer, which is most important, the distributors, wholesalers and retailers are also included as the target audience.  For the marijuana industry the target audiences are the following:

Cannabis Users: This includes users of cannabis that do not grow cannabis.  These individuals frequent cannabis lifestyle websites and social media channels.   The cannabis users will be the primary focus of products that are for using cannabis.   
•             Geo locations of high concentrations of cannabis users: California (L.A. area, San Jose, San Francisco), Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Connecticut.

Cannabis Retail:  Dispensaries or similarly structured retail operations i.e. collectives, that dispense cannabis, inclusive of flower and edibles, to patients and/or legal residents.  Smoke shops.  Dispensary consulting companies. 

Cannabis Commercial Growers:  Growers associated with legal commercial growing operations normally associated with a legal dispensary.  Normally these operations take place in large greenhouses and warehouses that have been outfitted for large grow operations.  

Cannabis “home-based growers”/hobbyist growers:  Growers that grow in their personal spaces for themselves and/or others.  Normal plant counts are less than two dozen.  This group frequents websites and forums that center on education, techniques, grow journals and new products strictly about growing cannabis.  This makes up the vast majority of growers and does not include commercial growers. 
•             Geo location to target:  Entire U.S. but emphasis on California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Connecticut, Michigan, Arizona, Montana, Maine, Rhode Island…states that allow patients/residents to grow. 

Growing Suppliers:  Retail indoor and organic grow shops, both brick and mortar and online, and the distributors that supply those grow shops.  The audience comprises of shop owners, managers and purchasing agents for distributors.
•             Primary geo location to target:  Entire U.S. through distributors especially California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Michigan.
•             Secondary will be states that allow growing of plants by patients/residents limited to Connecticut, Arizona, Montana, Maine and Rhode Island.

     After identifying the target audience various criteria include purchasing behavior, levels of involvement, media consumption, lifestyle, and personality traits.  Using stock images of your target audience as visual aids will help in designing marketing approaches, advertising and selecting content for your social media postings.
      Advertising and marketing needs to be laser-focused to be effective in this noisy world.  So after the ideal customer is in mind, go into more detail of who they are including; age, lifestyle, living situations, married/single, hobbies, shopping patterns, frequented social media platforms and where they live. For example, if you have a smoking product you may identify your target audience as 18-25 men and women, living in high-density urban areas that regularly visit nightclubs and vape lounges, are in college, shop online and through specific social platforms (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook) and do most of their shopping in the evening from 10 pm to 1 am. 
     Now using a tool, such as Nielsen, and using the zip code look-up feature you can identify if that zip code would have your target audience.  Now, you have your target audience, their attributes and where they are more likely to live and shop.  This will help immensely when you are launching any public relations, marketing or advertising campaigns.  

Keep growing,


This piece is an excerpt from the DIY Guide to Launching a Product Into the Cannabis Industry. Here's the link to purchase. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Can Guerrilla Marketing Help Your Business?

The cannabis industry is "noisy".  Consumers are inundated with text messages with "today's specials", Twitter messages, content marketing, pop-up ads, commercials and other messaging to get them to buy, buy, buy!  In fact, it's estimated that 95-98 percent of marketing information that is thrown at consumers is NOT being absorbed.  So how do you differ yourself from the others?  How do you grab that much needed attention to drive your message home and gain new market share?  One potential solution is not new but is probably one of the most controversial types of marketing; guerrilla marketing.

Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional method of marketing that is meant to be; unconventional, surprising, original/creative, cheeky/provocative, cost-efficient, flexible, unusual/atypical, funny, spectacular and contagious.  While the term is thrown around all to often the bottom line is the three most important aspects of your next campaign are that it is unusual, contagious and cost-efficient.  

Why does it work?  Emotion.  Emotion drives people's actions.  One of the most obvious examples of this is political campaigns.  Rather than speak of boring issues that are most pertinent to our everyday lives, campaigns will focus on subjects that stir emotion, which drives action, which in that case is go to the polls and vote.  For business marketing, take a lesson from the "Trumps" and others that are talented at making people emotional and make your message one that gets them to laugh/cry/cringe/barf/second-guess their existence, share with others and create that curiosity to visit your store or website.

Guerrilla marketing effectiveness weighs heavily on the creativity juices of the authors and artists rather than spending a lot money.  This is why I strongly suggest a couple pulls off the chizzer before setting the pencil to the pad and brainstorming ideas.  Have fun with it, step outside of your comfort zone and make an impression that no one will ever forget.  The best test is show it to your mother/father/sibling/loved one and watch their face as its shown, if they laugh/cry/cringe/barf/second-guess their got a winner.  Go to print!!

Keep growing,
